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Everything you need to know in 2023

This blog tries to address a lot of questions you have about SOP for Canada. By reading this, you will:


Table of Contents

What is SOP for Canada?

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SOP for Canada is an essential document which you are required to submit along with other documents while applying for an advanced study program at any Canadian college or university. How convincingly you present yourself in the SOP will determine the chances of your selection.

Purpose of SOP for Canada

The key purposes of SOP for Canada are:

Importance of SOP in Canada

Canadian institutes receive several times a greater number of applications than their available seats for courses. It is impossible for them to choose the most suitable candidate from all those eligible ones. By reviewing applicants’ SOP, they can know which candidates truly deserve admission.

How Does SOP for Canada Differ from Other Countries?

Despite some similarities, SOP for Canada has certain differences as compared to other countries

How to Write SOP for Canada?

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In order to write a winning SOP for Canada, you need to have a proper plan at hand and willingness to do some intense researches. Here are some useful steps for the same.

    Before starting to write the SOP, you need to have a clear idea about which course, which university, how long the SOP should be, what format to use, how to structure it etc.

    Once you have the plan, the next step is to gather relevant information to add to your SOP. Visit your chosen university website to collect information regarding its course structure, duration, internship options etc.

    The outline or skeleton will let you organize the information logically later on while you are writing the final version of the SOP. Writing without the outline will make it complicated and lead to lose coherence.

    Add relevant points to the outline and finalize your statement of purpose for Canada. Make changes wherever needed to increase readability. Check if any points are repeated or any sentences placed out of context.

    Read your writeup carefully and check if it contains any mistakes. It is better to seek someone else’s help to pinpoint the mistakes that you have overlooked and get them corrected.

Structure and Format of SOP For Canada

While preparing SOP for Canada, you should be careful about its structure and format. A good structure allows selectors to scan for relevant information quickly. Similarly, it is essential to use a standard format.

    Start your SOP with a convincing and catchy introduction. Use a storyline or a famous quote to attract the attention of the reader. The introduction should convey what ignited your interest in the domain as well as what you are going to describe in the rest of the body.
    Coming to the second paragraph, talk about your academic background. Explain the skills and aptitudes you have gained and how that intensified your interest in your future course selection. If there is a course change, give convincing reasons for the same.
    Talk about what experiences you have had, what you learnt from them and what skills and aptitudes you acquired from them. If you don’t have any professional experience, highlight your internship experience, projects, certification courses done etc.
    Here you elaborate on the motivation behind choosing a particular course and seeking a career in that domain. Make sure to establish that your formations, self-researches, experiences etc. helped you have a strong motivation.
    This is another important part in the SOP for Canada. Selectors want to know what made you choose Canada and why their institute for your course. Here you should say by what degree your expectations about course and skill acquisition are met by the facilities provided by the institute.
    Here you explain what you intend to do after completing the course. This will include your immediate plans as well as long term plans. Mention that you will return to your home country for future career building.
    Writing an impactful conclusion is essential. You must leave in the conclusion what you want the selectors to take away from the essay in a few words.
    Use a standard font in your SOP – Arial, Times New Roman etc. Set the font size to 11 or 12 point and keep that consistent. Keep the essay left aligned and do not need to indent sentences. Save the document as SOP for Canada pdf.


Sample SOP for Canada

If you are writing the SOP for the first time, you will have better insight by going through a SOP sample for Canada. By reviewing the sample, you will understand what points must be necessarily discussed in the essay.


Introduction and Family Background 

My name is ABCD and I am an eager learner hailing from the state of Kerala in India. I am a permanent Indian citizen who wishes to advance my skills as a professional leader and I have decided to obtain my Masters in Business Administration to achieve my professional goals. I am delighted to let you know that I have secured admission into the MBA in Marketing program offered by XYZ University. I have received the unconditional offer letter from the college. I am drafting this statement of purpose for the sake of obtaining my study permit so that I can attend the program in Canada. 

I come from a very traditional South Indian family comprising five members including myself. My father works an occupation and he is my greatest source of inspiration. My mother is a homemaker and she is my strongest pillar of support. I have two younger siblings, both of whom are in college right now. I am very closely attached to all the members of my family and we are incredibly supportive of each other in everything that we do. I would say that my greatest personal ambition is to make my parents proud and let them know that I am grateful for everything that they have done for me. 

Academic and Professional Background 

I have been an excellent student in school and I have not limited myself to just textbook knowledge. Gathering different experiences has always been a huge part of my life and I have actively been involved in extracurricular and co-curricular activities that have placed me in positions of leadership. I completed my 10th-grade education in 2012 following which I decided to major in the subjects of commerce for my higher secondary education. I graduated from school in 2014 with 90% marks in my final board examinations. Due to my excellent performance in school, it was easy for me to secure admission into a good college for my undergraduate studies. I completed my Bachelor of Commerce degree in 2017 and graduated with a GPA of 7.8. 

During my undergraduate studies, I came across various subjects that enlightened me on different aspects of business and management and increased my interest in this field. I developed a strong sense of curiosity for management and eagerly gathered knowledge using multiple resources. I would often spend hours in the library trying to identify more topics in the subjects I loved and approach my professors often with clarifications regarding the same. I took up every opportunity in college to push my limits and explore my various talents. I discovered through my extracurricular activities that I had great potential as a leader who wasn’t afraid of juggling responsibilities. 

Following this, I decided to gather some focused work experience in the field of marketing as this fascinated me. I secured a position as an assistant marketing executive, to begin with, a reputable organization close to my hometown. I worked here for about three years and gathered plenty of work experience and knowledge in marketing. I learned about different aspects of digital as well as offline marketing and I realized that I was fascinated by this field. Following this, I worked with the HGE organization as an assistant marketing manager. I resigned from this position in January when I decided to focus on my higher education. 

Why MBA in Marketing at XYZ University? 

Marketing is a rare, extremely exciting and hopeful combination of ingenuity and imagination, combined in just the right proportions to achieve global success. Effective marketing pleasures abound, and I am always excited and inspired when I come across a clever marketing innovation. Through close observation, I have seen the power of marketing and how it can affect the world and the way people think throughout my career. I cannot wait to explore a full-time career in the world of marketing and take up positions of responsibility. For this, I need to study further and push my limits. 

I have selected this program for my postgraduate studies because I believe that it is the best step forward for me to succeed in my professional career and gather the required skills to scale the corporate ladder. I believe that securing an MBA from a reputable international university will enhance my career profile greatly and provide me with excellent opportunities in leadership roles upon returning to India post my education. The reason why I chose this program, in particular, is because of the excellent syllabus and the comprehensive nature of the curriculum. There is great emphasis on practice-based education which is very important for me to advance optimally in my professional career. 

XYZ University is a fascinating establishment that is considered to be one of the best in the region. Apart from the compelling curriculum, I am also impressed by the numerous facilities that are available on the campus. I look forward to being part of an enriching multicultural student community that promotes mutual growth. I look forward to benefiting from the expertise of the world-renowned faculty associated with the program. Before I finalized my decision to study at this college, I reached out to a couple of alumni of the college who provided me with remarkable feedback. 

Why Canada? Why not India? 

I have selected Canada for my higher education because of the excellent reputation that this country holds among international students who arrive in Canada every year. This is a very friendly country and the population is very diverse. It is a safe and secure country with a very low crime rate. Compared to other western countries like Australia, the UK and the USA, the cost of education in Canada is much lower. I believe that studying in Canada will enrich my communication and interpersonal skills as well and help me grow in a wholesome manner. 

My entire academic career has been in India, thus I lack global expertise and commercial awareness. These two things are necessary for professional suc- cess, in my opinion. My investigation into the several programs provided in India for this subject led me to conclude that the theoretical knowledge I would gain will be of excellent quality, but I will lack practical experience and exposure to other nations’ practices and innovations. Keeping all of this in mind, I decided to look for programs abroad and all the reasons stated previously, I have decided to get my postgraduate certification from Canada. 

Future Plans 

Upon completing the program in Canada, I plan to return to India and work with leading organizations like NAMES OF COMPANIES in the marketing sector. I am certain that I will receive excellent job opportunities upon completing the program on account of my advanced qualifications as well as international expertise. I have no plans to stay back in Canada because I need to be back home with my family as my parents are getting older and meet me around for physical and emotional support. 

I have already taken care of my financial obligations for my higher education in Canada. I have paid the tuition fees for one year of college and also invested C$10,000 to take care of my living expenses during my stay in Canada. Complete details of my finances are available for your reference in the attached documents. 

I thank you very much for your time and I look forward to a positive response from you concerning my study permit application. 

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing SOP for Canada

SOP is different from other essays. You have to adhere to certain preset rules and methods to write it perfectly. Even then, you will find a lot of errors with it in a close proofreading. Here are some of the common mistakes that you should be avoiding in your SOP preparation.


    Some universities in Canada would recommend a word count for the SOP. Exceeding it or coming short of it will make it below their expectations.

    Grammatical or spelling errors in SOP would make selectors think you don’t possess English proficiency. Read your SOP several times to pinpoint such mistakes and correct them.

    It is advisable to avoid repetition of points or ideas in the SOP. This will require proper planning and outlining before you start writing your statement of purpose for Canada.

    Not giving clarity with regard to your future plans is another big mistake in the SOP. It will even lead the admission panel to think that you intend to stay there back.

    If you wait for the last minute to write your SOP, you will end up writing it with lot of mistakes and missing information. It is good to seek professional help for emergency SOP writing.

    A boring introduction can create a bad impression about your SOP even if you have written the rest of it well. It is good to use a catchy phrase or a storyline to begin the SOP.

Five Simple Tips to Write a Strong SOP for Canada

SOP writing is not easy even if you possess good command over English. However, following the below tips will simplify the whole process.

    The earlier you start writing your SOP, the better it will be. Because it will give you enough time to make corrections or changes in it later on.

    Avoid filling in the SOP with boring statements. Go with a friendly tone and present your points through storytelling.

    It is futile to write the SOP by stuffing in too many technical jargons. Write your SOP in an easy-to-understand way so that your messages are better conveyed.

    When you write about achievements or skills or aptitudes, do not forget to support them by showing some evidences.

    There should be smooth transition from one sentence to another. To ensure this, you need to check both cohesion and coherence at first.

    In a highly competitive admission circle, an SOP with even minute mistakes can turn out to be hurdles on the way to getting admission.

Who Requires SOP for Canada?

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SOP is a mandatory requirement for visa issuance and university admission. Below given are the different types of SOP for Canada.

    Required for students who need study permit in Canada.

    Required for job seekers trying to go to Canada on a work visa.

    Required for tourists visiting Canada from other countries.

    To take your spouse to Canada along with you, you will need to write this.

    To apply for PR (Permanent Residency), you need to write a PR visa SOP.

    To study in Canada with scholarship, you will require to apply with an SOP for scholarship Canada.

    Doing internship in Canadian organizations require SOP for internship in Canada.

    To go to Canada as a dependent of someone who is already there.

    This is the type of SOP that students write to get admission in Canadian universities.

SOP For Top Universities in Canada

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Being the third most sought after higher study destination, Canada hosts several internationally reputed universities. SOPs for these universities vary in terms of requirements, word count etc.

Popular SOP for Courses in Canada

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There are hundreds of courses in Canada offered by various institutes. The top ten courses for which international students write SOPs are:

SOP For Masters In Canada

In Canada, a variety of institutions offer hundreds of Master’s programmes. The top ten Master’s programmes for which foreign students submit SOPs are as follows:


Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes. SOP is a mandatory requirement in order to apply for a visa to Canada. You will need to write an SOP for Canada visa for this. This is different from SOP for Canada universities. To understand the differences better, it is advisable to check out a SOP Canada visa sample.

There is no specific word limit as such. It is better to keep it short. Ideally it would be around 800 and 1500 words. You must follow the university guidelines regarding the word limit if there is any. There is no strict Canada visa SOP word limit too. The general understanding is to write it short and precise, avoiding repetition of points and unnecessary detailing of certain points.

Yes. If the SOP doesn’t address certain key areas or do not give clarity about proof of fund, course change, backlog or future plans, it will lead to rejection of your student visa application.

You can mention the same along with academic credentials or after professional experience projecting it a part of your preparation to fly to Canada for higher studies. You may just mention the overall score or even specifically mention the scores for reading, writing and listing.

In the SOP for Canada universities, there is no need of writing a detailed self-introduction. It is better to start the writeup with a storyline or a popular quote and then make a smooth transition to the topic. In the case of a student visa SOP for Canada, you can give a brief self-introduction at the beginning of the introduction. It can include your name and where you come from. You will get a better picture of it by reviewing Canada visa sop samples.

Picture of Mr. Sugathan

Mr. Sugathan

Mr. Sugathan is the founder of Professional Writing Services. He is an Army veteran who served the nation for more than two decades. During his tenure, he was involved in a lot of documentation and secretarial works. He has been drafting letters and documents on a daily basis.

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